Thursday, April 11, 2013

the longest week of my life

I still am standing.  Not much sleep, but that's to be expected.  I want life to be exciting--I surely got my wish!  But excitement leads to stress, stress leads to depression, and depression leads to pain.  Maybe some day I'll learn to manage it better, but I hope that happens soon.  After all, I'm 55 years old!

I walk daily through this maze of stress, and I am learning as I go.  One thing I've learned is to pace myself.  I've realized that something will have to give.  For me, today, that means giving up a voice lesson that I love.  I realize that I need the rest more than I love the lesson.

Last night, I learned another lesson--even if the buildup of pain is unavoidable, it can be reasoned through and dealt with.  I used to be an alto.  I can read music, and that's where they put you.  I sang alto for many years, and every time I finished rehearsal, my throat hurt.  So yesterday I found out that I was given a solo part in a big piece--3rd soprano!!  It hurt.  I felt like I was being demoted.  On top of everything else, it was the straw before the straw that broke the camel's back.  I was perilously close to tears.  But as the rehearsal continued, I remembered back.  I had told my director that I used to be an alto.  He asked me how long I'd sung alto.  And I know that of the three women picked, my voice and talent were the right ones for that part.  I can find the notes, and I can make the low harmonies work because I have the notes in a way that other sopranos don't.

Later, as I was driving home, tears did come.  I was sorry my son had to be there for it.  He really doesn't understand--he tries to give advice, make it better, and I appreciate that in him.  But what I needed was a good cry or a long shower.  I chose the shower--had to wash my hair anyway!!

So, dear reader, today I'm asking for your prayers.  It's a very stressful morning, leading to a stressful afternoon, leading to another rehearsal tonight.  But I know that God is always behind me, before me, under and over me, and within me, so I can handle it.  With his love and your prayers.  Thank you.


  1. Dear father. Thank you that Meg is willing to submit to you and be led by you. May she rest in your provision like a little lamb

    1. The first song I ever wrote was called little lamb.


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