Friday, February 1, 2013


I am
Totally and utterly

Sounded good in Beetleguise, but not so much in real life.

You are as alone as you let yourself be.

You can choose to be solitary and enjoy it

Or you can choose to be alone and miserable.

I've tried both
and I prefer the former to the latter.

I'm not one of those that feel that Facebook is ostracizing.

It can be if you let it,

But for people like me,
in a town far away from my family,

I feel that it helps me connect with my family and friends
(although my kids would probably say "keep tabs on" or "snoop").

We are moving away from each other at an alarming rate.

Even 100 years ago, this was not true.

Families stayed together.

But today, it is too easy to pick up and move.

So we are islands in space,

Separated by distance,
but not by love.

Thank goodness for the phone,
And all the rest of it.

However, I know that there are still some very lonely people out there.
There are people who sit and stare at nothing night after night,
people who live their lives through the tv because they have no other to speak of.

I pray for those people,

but am honest enough to admit

that I have little idea

(and sad to say less inclination)

on how to get in touch.

So I will pray for them

That they will find a friend.

And I will ask your prayers for me,

That I can learn to be one.

And how about you?


  1. Oh! I love this so much! It is do quiet and thoughtful and kind. What a beauty.

    1. Thanks! My goal is to write once a day, and I really didn't like this. I think it's hard to keep it simple. But simple is best, don't you think?


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