Sunday, February 10, 2013

children on the wall

It seems so foreign now
Silence, being alone.

I'm not complaining, mind you
It just seems strange.

Wasn't it just yesterday that little feet pattered down the hallway,
Little voices crying "Mommy, Daddy!"?

How did time pass so quickly?

I glance at the photos on the walls,
Frilly dresses,
Starched suits,
Awkward smiles frozen in time.

Why do we always go for formal solemnity
When what we remember is so different?

The neatly combed hair seems strange
On a boy who was always mussed.

Clean faces and hands peer out at me,
Daring me to remember them any other way.

Oh, but my darlings, I do!

I remember the mud-covered clothes and faces
Mud covering the floor as you fill the kitchen
Calling out, "Hungry, Mommy!"

I remember the scuffed shoes
Battered knees
Tears falling as you sob,
"Kiss, Mommy!
Make it better."

I did then,
And I wish I could now.

Games and toys and childish delight
Have made way
For jobs and families
And children of your own.

It's now your turn.

Your houses are family full
While mine is finally empty.

But don't weep for me, Angels.

I am content
Knowing that you have found love
And the cycle continues.

Yours is the mud, the hugs,
The tears and boo-boo kisses.

And while I wish you were here,
I'm so thankful that you're there--
With family that loves you.

God bless you my children
As you are blessed with children of your own.

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