Saturday, January 12, 2013

On wisdom

I have learned a lot just by living.
Others say that I'm very wise,
But I don't necessarily think that.
I just think that I've lived long enough to realize some truths.

I used to be ashamed of my circumstances.
But I have lived long enough now to know
That circumstances change as we grow,
And if we are not happy where we are,
There is always time to change.

I used to think that I was alone in my struggles
But I have lived long enough to know
That we all share struggles: hurt and fear and pain
And we can help others by comforting them
With whatever comfort we have found from others
And from ourselves.

I used to feel pressured and tense
But I have lived long enough now to know
That pressure and tension
Is often of our own design,
And we can choose to live with them and suffer
Or release them at the end of the day and be content.

I used to feel that our decisions make us who we are,
But I have lived long enough to know
That our decisions, while having consequences,
Do not mire us in the muck of despair
Unless we give them permission.
Even if we have made decisions which seem unforgivable,
There is always forgiveness.

I used to believe that I needed a mate to be whole.
But I have lived long enough to know
That your mate for all time and eternity
Is Christ Jesus, and with him you are never alone.
Further, no matter who your mate is,
How wonderful that person might be,
You will one day be left alone,
And life will go much more smoothly
If you have developed a good and loving relationship
With yourself.

I used to fear death,
But I have lived long enough
Had enough loved ones pass before me
To embrace it as a hoped-for goal.

I used to fear change,
But I have lived long enough
Passed through enough windstorms of change
To realize that there is great good in the storm.

So if all this amounts to wisdom,
I guess maybe I'm wise.

If you'd like, I can share this experience with you
So that you in turn can share it with those you love,
So that the world may one day be as wise as we are.

Or better said,
The world can benefit
From the wisdom of its elders.

And by the way, many of you are my elders,
And I am happy that I am here to listen
So that I can learn from you.

Just speak.

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