Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Advent reading from my new book :)

Wow, what happened to the time?  Look away for a second, and it's Advent! School is out in a few weeks, and then the long trek to California to visit.

Since we are waiting for the birth of the Savior, I thought I'd share a reading from my book "Biblical Portraits", coming soon to a e-reader near you!  This one is called "Advent"

Reflection on our Lord's coming

We started out together
Walking hand in hand
In love with the Father of Love
Surrounded by all good things
And in perfect peace.
We wanted for nothing,
For everything was provided us
By One who loved us more than we could possibly imagine.

You know how the story goes.
The snake, the fruit, the disobedience,
The betrayal of trust...

Our lives would never be the same,
And our hearts would forever need to be filled
In ways that we could not even begin to imagine.

We tried so many different things,
Countless aids to ease the hurt,
Yet all we did was intensify the pain,
Cause the loneliness to overwhelm us,
So that the darkness seemed to be all-encompassing.

Yet, somehow, we knew that there was an answer
A beacon was shining in the night
A lantern lifted high,
Dispelling the darkness,

We did not know how
Or even if
We were to search for it.
Maybe it would seek us out
Find us in our grief
Our pain
Our loneliness
The hideous blackness of our being
The opaqueness in which we lived.

And so we wait
Caught in the void between hope and despair
And even without being aware of it,
We pray.

O you who caused the light to shine all around us
Who permitted us to walk hand in hand with you
Who chose us as your children
Who desired our companionship
Who did nothing to lose our love
And everything to merit our respect,
Come unto us
Dwell once again among us.
Cause us to see your light blaring in the darkness

So that we can finally come home.

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