Saturday, October 5, 2013

the problem with reality

I'm a Dr Who fan.  I get the craving to revisit my favorite doctor every once in a while, so off I go to once again view my favorite David Tennant episodes.  Of all the episodes, my favorites have got to be the ones in the library--Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.  For those of you not in the know, this is where the doctor meets his wife for the first time and she sees her husband for the last time.  It is a strange idea--her timeline is backwards to his.  But believe it or not, this is not my point.  If you're interested, look it up.

The story takes place in a library.  It is a place where all the books ever created are stored.  Millions of millions of books are there--all made out of a single forest.  Problem is, there was a society within that forest called the Vashta Nerada.  This carnivorous society were collected with the wood that made the forests, and now they feed on any flesh that happens to come inside.

As the episodes unfold, more and more people die.  One who doesn't is the doctor's companion, Donna.  She is transported to another world, a world outside the library but actually right in its center.  In this world, she lives a life with a husband and two children.  She later finds out that this is an imaginary world, and that the difference between her and the rest of the inhabitants is that she can--and must--escape.  The others cannot, as they are all dead.

This is where I must part ways with the series.  Oh, my--if you think that the world you inhabit when you're dead is a world of your own creation, a world that exists only because you imagine it--you don't know my Lord.  There is a world awaiting us, yes, but it is a world that is so real, so true, so utterly un-fiction, that I can't even begin to think of a word to describe it.  I have seen glimpses--wonderful little peeks into a world where you can live the rest of your days in Love.  The minute we get there, we will understand that everything up to this point was actually fantasy,  This new world will be absolute reality--and it will be marvelous, in the truest sense of the world.  We will marvel, be amazed, be humbled, and be exalted:  all at the same time.

How can I know this?  Because Paul tells us that we now see as if through a mirror--darkly.  But then, oh Lord!  Then we will see You face to face!  Our eyes will be truly open for the first time.  I hope that day comes soon!

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