Friday, July 26, 2013


The old woman settled in her chair.
She looked across, and there he was, 
as always.

Her dear husband.

She smiled at him,
happy to see him there,
and no longer questioning the fact

That he'd been dead for 25 years.

It used to bother her,
The sight of him in his favorite chair,
Especially when others would sit in it
with him still there.

But he would look at her with that familiar twinkle,
And she knew that he didn't mind.
It was their joke.

As time went on, the children grew up and grew old,
And grandchildren took turns coming by
Seemingly to pass the time of day with her,
But really to check up on her,

Make sure she was still alive.

Other than that,
she was alone--
Well, alone except for him.

Their friends were all gone,
She was the last of her family,
As he had been the last of his.

But it didn't bother her,
Because he was always there,
In his chair,
Twinkle in his eye.

She already knew that one day he would be gone.
One day, her grandchildren would come calling,
Then her children,
But they would not stay long,

She was certain of it,
Because she would not be there to greet them.

One day, she knew,
She would fly away,

Off to her future,
Off with that patient man
With the beautiful twinkle.
Her Joe.

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