Thursday, December 5, 2013

Quiet--Listen to the Spirit

My friend Ann is frustrated.  She has attended the same church for years and years, and until very recently, she was satisfied with the worship.  In the last year, however, a new program has begun, a program designed to increase membership.  Lots of changes--many unwelcome--are coming into place, and the existing members, or at least some of them, are beginning to feel dissatisfied.  This is happening in other churches as well.

Why is this happening?  I think that it is because church leadership has ceased listening for the voice of the Spirit and is instead seeking other voices to give them wisdom.  Voices that are being heard are voices that recommend treating the church as a business and finding ways to market better, therefore bringing more "butts to the seats".

People, Christianity is not a marketing ploy.  Christianity is a relationship with the ONLY One who is able to draw people in, to give them expectation, and to give them hope.  Don't look outward to find out what others say you should do to increase your membership.  Instead, look inward.  Fast and pray.  Call others to yourself in committed prayer.  And ask the LORD to provide the members.

And to my friend Ann and others going through her struggle, remember that God is still in control, even if your leadership has forgotten.  Pray and watch and keep seeking His will. He knows your need and will provide.

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